What Song Is in This Video

What Song Is in This Video?

If you’ve ever watched a video and found yourself wondering, “What song is in this video?” you’re certainly not alone. With the explosion of content on platforms like YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, it’s common to come across a tune that catches your ear but remains unnamed. Whether it’s the background music in a YouTube tutorial, a catchy track in an Instagram reel, or a viral song in a Twitter video, identifying these songs can sometimes be a challenge.

But worry not! In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the best methods to identify the music playing in any video. From using music identification apps to leveraging the power of social media, this guide will equip you with all the tools you need to answer that nagging question: “What song is in this video?” By the end of this article, you’ll know exactly how to track down any song in a video, no matter the platform.

What Song Is in This Video

1. Check the Video Description and Comments.

The first and often simplest method to identify the song in a video is to check the video’s description. On platforms like YouTube, content creators frequently list the music they use in their videos. This information is usually found in the “Show More” section under the video. If you’re on YouTube, expanding this section might reveal the song title, artist, or even a direct link to the track.

But what if the description doesn’t help? Your next step should be the comments section. Other viewers might have already asked, “What song is playing in this video?” and the answers are often found here. This method works well because the community is highly active, and there’s a good chance someone has already identified the song. If not, you can ask the question yourself and wait for a reply.

For videos on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook, the approach is similar. Creators might list the music in the post description or caption, and other users might discuss the music in the comments. This method is particularly effective for identifying popular or mainstream tracks that creators often credit​ (Lifewire) (Musician Wave).

2. Use Music Identification Apps.

When the description and comments don’t provide the answers, music identification apps come into play. Shazam, SoundHound, and AHA Music are some of the most popular and reliable apps for this purpose. These apps work by analyzing the audio from your device and matching it to a database of songs.

  • Shazam: Perhaps the most well-known music identification app, Shazam can recognize songs almost instantly. To use it, simply open the app while the video is playing, and Shazam will identify the song within seconds. It’s particularly useful for identifying music in videos on YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter.
  • SoundHound: Similar to Shazam, SoundHound offers the added feature of humming the tune if you remember the melody but don’t have the lyrics. This can be especially helpful for older or less mainstream songs that might not be recognized by other apps.
  • AHA Music: This is a browser extension that works on any website, including YouTube. It listens to the audio directly from your browser and identifies the song. AHA Music is particularly effective for those who prefer using their desktop browser rather than a mobile app.

For videos on platforms like Facebook or Instagram, these apps can be a lifesaver. Just ensure the volume is high enough for the app to capture the audio clearly. Also, remember that these apps are continuously updated, so even if a song isn’t recognized today, it might be identifiable in the future​ (7labs).

3. Online Song Identifier Tools.

If you prefer using a desktop or don’t have access to mobile apps, online song identifier tools like Audiotag.info or browser extensions like AHA Music can help. These tools allow you to identify music directly from video URLs, making them particularly convenient for desktop users.

  • Audiotag.info: This online tool works by analyzing the audio track of the video. You simply paste the video link into the tool, and Audiotag will compare the audio with its vast database of known songs. Within seconds, you’ll have a list of possible matches.
  • AHA Music Browser Extension: This extension works similarly to Audiotag but is more integrated with your browsing experience. It can identify music from any website, including YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter, directly from your browser. Simply click the extension while the video is playing, and it will identify the song in real-time.

These tools are particularly useful for those who are working on a computer and want to identify songs without needing to switch devices. They are also effective for identifying background music in longer videos where the song might only play for a few seconds​ (WonderFox Software).

4. Search the Lyrics on Google.

If you can catch some of the lyrics from the song in the video, using a search engine like Google can be one of the most straightforward methods of identification. Simply type the lyrics into Google, and you’ll often find the song title and artist in the top search results.

This method works particularly well for songs with distinctive or easily understandable lyrics. Google’s search engine is highly adept at matching even partial lyrics to the correct song, thanks to its integration with various lyrics databases. You can also use dedicated lyrics websites like Lyrics.com or LyricFind for more specific searches.

For videos where the lyrics are clear and easy to hear, this method is almost foolproof. However, it may be less effective for instrumental tracks or songs where the lyrics are not distinct. In such cases, combining this method with other tools like Shazam or Audiotag might yield better results​ (7labs).

5. Crowdsource on Social Media.

When all else fails, social media can be your best ally. Platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram have vast user bases, and someone within your network might recognize the song. Posting a clip or describing the video and asking, “What song is in this video?” can lead to quick and accurate answers.

  • Twitter: Twitter’s large and active user base makes it a great place to ask for help. Use relevant hashtags to increase the visibility of your query.
  • Facebook: Join music or video-related groups where enthusiasts might help you identify the song.
  • Instagram: Use Instagram Stories or direct messages to reach out to your followers for assistance.

Crowdsourcing on social media not only helps you identify the song quickly but also engages your network, making the process more interactive. This method is particularly useful when other tools have failed or when dealing with obscure tracks that might not be in popular databases​ (Musician Wave).


Identifying the song in a video doesn’t have to be a frustrating experience. Whether it’s checking the description, using a music identification app, or crowd-sourcing on social media, there are numerous ways to discover “what song is in this video.” By using the methods outlined in this guide, you can quickly and effectively identify any music playing in the background of videos across various platforms.

Remember, the next time you find yourself captivated by a tune in a video, you now have the tools and knowledge to identify it in no time. Start exploring these methods today, and never miss out on a great song again!